The Shopkeeper is a mysterious and intriguing character in the manga series Spy x Family. His role as the head of "The Shop" and Garden, an assassin organization, adds depth to the storyline. With a calm and patient demeanor, he exudes an air of mystery as he tends to his luxurious garden.
His interactions with Yor Forger showcase his mischievous side and hint at a deep level of trust and connection between the two characters. The Shopkeeper's primary ambition to maintain the beauty of the world provides insight into his character and motivations.
As a mentor to Yor, he has had a significant impact on her development as an assassin, further adding to his complex and pivotal role in the narrative. The Shopkeeper's intriguing persona and his influence on the plot make him a captivating and essential character in the Spy x Family series.
- Gender: Male
- Hair Color: White
- Eye Color: Black
- Abilities and Skills: Master Combatant, Teaching, Gardening