Shunsui vs Starrk
The confrontation unfolds as the Visoreds, spearheaded by Love Aikawa and Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi, initially confront Starrk. The Primera Espada, demoralized by the demise of Baraggan Louisenbairn and Sōsuke Aizen's apparent indifference, resorts to unleashing his Resurrección's unique ability, summoning a formidable pack of wolves. Despite the seemingly insurmountable odds, Shunsui Kyōraku manages to catch Starrk off guard with an unexpected assault from his shadow, employing the technique known as Kageoni.
This intense battle not only underscores Shunsui's strategic acumen and unwavering determination but also highlights Starrk's distinctive abilities and cunning. Set against the backdrop of the Fake Karakura Town, this clash stands as one of the final skirmishes between the Gotei 13 forces and a member of the top three Espada1, adding a layer of significance to the intricate tapestry of the Bleach narrative.
Detailed information:
- Manga debut: Chapter 221
- Anime debut: Episode 192