Sign It
When it comes to ASL classes, there are a lot of serious films out there, but Sign It defies the trend by making instruction enjoyable. The website's videos feature a variety of performers who act out amusing situations that you can follow. It's also affordable, with five lesson bundles starting at $49.99.
The majority of the lessons are delivered through a combination of videos and quizzes. The fact that the videos feature a range of actors means you can learn how different people sign words, which is a pleasant bonus that you won't find on other sites.
However, there are a few elements that are missing from the website. It lacks any form of interactivity or feedback, which would make determining whether or not you are signing things correctly a lot easier. You can't download and view lessons on the fly because they're only available online through your browser.
Reasons to buy:
+A comprehensive introduction to ASL for beginners
+Features a variety of instructors and conversation topics
+Reasonably priced for amount of content