"Sigrid" is an attractive Manhwa that explores the intriguing concept of second chances and the pursuit of a different life path. The story revolves around Sigrid, a character who had always adhered to society's rules and been fiercely loyal to the emperor, even to the point of facing the guillotine. However, her loyalty only resulted in a cruel demise. As she faces her impending death, she can't help but question the fairness of her fate.
In a twist of fate, Sigrid awakens five years before her impending execution. Armed with the knowledge of her past, she embarks on a mission to alter her destiny and question the choices she once made. Sigrid begins to reshape her entire existence, from her daily choices in clothing and food to her relationships.
However, as she takes control of her life, she finds herself becoming the center of attention. As the story unfolds, Sigrid encounters her old rival, Veramud, and discovers that change may be more challenging than she anticipated.
"Sigrid" delves into themes of self-discovery, redemption, and the complexities of rewriting one's destiny. It's a gripping tale of a determined woman's journey to break free from the constraints of fate and create a life on her own terms.
- Author(s): Siya
- Genre(s): Fantasy, Historical, Josei, Reincarnation, Romance
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 63
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