Smashwords is a famous ebook publishing and reading site that has served both authors and readers since its founding in 2008. It is one of the top destinations for independent authors to self-publish their works and distribute them worldwide. At Smashwords, writers can upload their manuscripts and transform them into various ebook formats, including EPUB, MOBI, PDF, LRF, and PDB.
Smashwords has a collection of over 100,000 free ebooks, ranging in fiction and non-fiction genres. Additionally, the platform offers paid ebook store where users can find thousands of books across various genres, with prices starting at $0.99 and up. You'll have permanent access to a book in your Smashwords Library when purchasing it.
Smashwords now includes ebooks from Draft2Digital and plans on offering more famous titles from other authors, publishers, and distributors. This shows Smashwords' commitment to providing both authors and readers with an exceptional platform for discovering and enjoying a wide range of books.
- Nearly one million original ebooks
- Offer DRM-free books
- Powerful search tools
- Many book discounts on a regular basis
- Outdated web interfere
- No book ratings and reviews
- Lack of a reading community