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Software Architecture & Design of Modern Large Scale Systems

Are you prepared to advance in your career? Do you want to learn how to design software and systems? You've arrived to the correct location! In this hands-on course, you will learn how to design real-world systems that can grow to millions of daily users and process and store petabytes of data. This is the finest resource if you want to become a Software Architect or if you are currently a Software Architect and need a thorough refresher. This is also an excellent location to practice and acquire confidence for a future System Design Interview.

By the end of the course, you will have acquired all of the abilities required to take on an unclear and high-level need and work your way through all phases of system design, all the way to its final Software Architecture. Although there is no coding in this course, it is a very practical course that will provide you with the foundational skills for constructing real-world systems. Top software businesses employ all of the approaches and patterns presented in the course.

Modern large-scale system software development is extremely complicated. Typically, it takes several months of development from numerous software developers. Just as no one would attempt to build a skyscraper without a strong plan and architecture, undertaking a large software project without adequate design and an authorized Software Architecture is unthinkable. If a system's software architecture is weak, the project will almost certainly fail. However, if software architecture is done effectively, it may have a huge positive impact on many lives while also assisting your firm to develop and prosper.

Who this course is for:

  • Any student who wants to take their career to the next level, towards Senior, Principal or Software Architect position
  • Any student who wants to learn Software Architecture and System Design
  • Any student who is preparing for a System Design Interview


  • Basic knowledge of programming and software engineering

Udemy rating: 4.6/5

Enroll here:

Toplist Joint Stock Company
Address: 3rd floor, Viet Tower Building, No. 01 Thai Ha Street, Trung Liet Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi City, Vietnam
Phone: +84369132468 - Tax code: 0108747679
Social network license number 370/GP-BTTTT issued by the Ministry of Information and Communications on September 9, 2019
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