Located in Minato, Tokyo, Japan, Sony Corporation is a worldwide conglomerate. It ranks 95th on the Fortune Global 500 list and is one of the largest multinational corporations in the world. The tape recorder was the first item produced when the business was established in 1946 by Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita. Sony soon rose to the top of the electronics sector, and one of its preferred product lines is headphones.
You can wirelessly connect your gadgets to Sony headphones thanks to their Bluetooth compatibility. This eliminates the need for wires for playing music, making calls, or using your devices. Additionally, Sony headphones provide exceptional sound quality with precise and clear sounds.
Some of the most popular Sony headphones are the Sony WH-1000XM4 and Sony WH-CH710N. The former are flagship noise-canceling headphones that provide outstanding noise cancellation, a comfortable design, and a long battery life. whereas the latter is a more affordable option from Sony that nonetheless provides great noise cancellation and is comfortable to wear.
Detailed Information:
- Founded: May 7, 1946
- Founder: Masaru Ibuka, Akio Morita
- Headquarters: Minato, Tokyo, Japan
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