Sorcerous Stabber Orphen
Sorcerous Stabber Orphen is a popular light novel that has taken the anime and fantasy world by storm. Authored by Yoshinobu Akita, these novels follow the adventures of Orphen, a powerful sorcerer on a quest to rescue his childhood friend Azalie, who has been transformed into a fearsome beast. A video game, two anime television series, and comics were all made from it. Over 14 million copies of the books were in print.
Yoshinobu Akita has a great love for both American and European literature. He started Sorcerous Stabber Orphen after releasing the acclaimed Japanese fantasy book Inside a Sparkle from the Snow. The novel's characters all have strong personalities that endear readers to them. Orphen's charming and often comedic personality adds a layer of lightheartedness amidst the intense battles and life-threatening challenges he faces.
Sorcerous Stabber Orphen is filled with elements of magic, suspense, and action, making them an absolute treat for fans of the fantasy genre. Akita's writing style effortlessly weaves together complex storylines, memorable characters, and fantastical realms, drawing readers into a world brimming with mystique and wonder.
- Approximate sales: 14 million copies
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