Sourcing Nova
Sourcing Nova, based in Guangzhou with a warehouse in Yantian Port, Shenzhen, is dedicated to connecting global buyers with top-tier manufacturers in China. Their network includes factories that provide processing services for renowned international brands, ensuring the highest quality products. Sourcing Nova believes that the key to successful sourcing from China lies in collaborating with the right partners who understand Western standards.
One of the distinguishing factors of Sourcing Nova is their meticulous approach to quality control. They only work with companies that are well-versed in Western standards and regulations, ensuring that products meet the highest quality standards. With a critical eye, Sourcing Nova oversees the entire quality control process to ensure that buyers receive products of exceptional quality.
With extensive experience across various industries, Sourcing Nova is a valuable source of information for their clients. They share their industry insights and knowledge, helping buyers make informed decisions and navigate the complexities of sourcing from China.
In addition to their expertise, Sourcing Nova offers reliable shipment services through their exclusive warehouse in Yantian Port, Shenzhen. This ensures consistent and timely delivery, even during peak seasons. Regardless of the size of the client, Sourcing Nova values all relationships and strives to build long-term, successful partnerships.
Headquarters: 428 Donghai Road,Yantian,Shenzhen City