Special holidays
Last but not least, the thing about Nauru you should know is the Festivals. The biggest festival in Nauru is Independence Day. Besides, Constitution Day is also an important festival here. Both of these historic events took place in 1968. Every January 31, the inhabitants of Nauru commemorate the day the island became the world's tiniest sovereign republic by flying flags, singing the national anthem, and listening to remarks from local officials. The vacation kicks off with a fishing tournament, followed by wrestling battles, tug-of-war competitions, and other exciting athletic activities. A competition to clean up the island's districts is also held.
In addition, Constitution Day is also solemnly celebrated by the people of Nauru. On May 17, 1968, little than four months after becoming an independent country, Nauru approved its first constitution. To celebrate this significant milestone in the island's history, sports events are held around the island, and the day opens with a colorful team parade. The national track and field championships take place on the final day, which falls on Constitution Day. Athletes compete on a crushed coral track. Athletes from all around the South Pacific compete against the national champions in track and field.