The next predators of fleas that eat fleas are spiders. You might be one of those people who shudder and squirm at the sight of spiders. But you should know that they are often more dangerous than you think. Their presence in your household can be good news when they consume fleas. However, in some cases, it can also search for prey. This is the same case with fleas.
Once the flea enters the web, it becomes trapped and automatically trapped in the web. This would then create motion and vibrations across the web that signal the spiders of the existence of such prey. The spider will then move around the web and at the same time release the webs attached to the prey. But that's not the only way a spider hunts. Occasionally, you will find it roaming in search of prey like most predators.
When approaching the flea, the spider will coil a loose thread around it and use two fangs to pounce on it. However, not all spiders use this technique on their prey. Venomous spiders distribute a special poison onto their prey. This poison kills most prey in two hours, after which spiders can tear and gnaw them.