Spirit Pact
"Spirit Pact" is an anime follows the protagonist, Yang Jinghua, a down-and-out college student who encounters the eccentric exorcist Duanmu Xi. After a series of unfortunate events, Yang finds himself bound by a spiritual pact with Duanmu, sharing his body with a powerful spirit named Ye Ruxue.
Together, they embark on a journey to deal with malevolent spirits and uncover the mysteries of the spirit world. As they confront supernatural threats, the anime explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the consequences of dealing with forces beyond human comprehension.
The series showcases dynamic and intense exorcism battles, combining traditional Chinese spiritual concepts with modern supernatural elements. Yang's reluctant partnership with the spirited Ye Ruxue adds depth to the narrative, as their contrasting personalities lead to both conflict and camaraderie.
"Spirit Pact" captivates viewers with its unique blend of supernatural action, character development, and the exploration of the mystical realm. The anime provides a fresh take on the exorcism genre, offering a mix of excitement and emotion as the characters navigate the complexities of their intertwined destinies and confront the supernatural challenges that come their way.
- Genres: Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance
- Creator: Zi Ping
- Production companies: Emon Animation, Company Garden, Culture Haoliners Animation
- Release date: 21 June 2016
- Number of seasons: 2
- Number of episodes: 22
- Runtime: 24 minutes
- Watch here: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/G6MG377G6/spiritpact