St Maha’s Well
The next position on the list of the most beautiful historical sites in Loch Lomond is St. Maha's Well. it is identified by a low stone structure in the shape of a horseshoe that is located in a marshy field on the slopes above Loch Lomond's east bank where a spring emerges from the ground. The same Maha for whom Balmaha, a neighboring community, is called. People reportedly used the water from this well as a remedy. Stones arranged in the shape of a horseshoe surround the little spring. A little standing stone that is just above it may be the remains of a good house or stone cross.
Holy springs and wells, including St. Maha's Well, have a long history. Freshwater stood for renewal, purity, and fertility. As a result, it was employed in religious ceremonies and for medical purposes. Even now, some individuals still wash in the spring in an effort to heal their ailments.
A little standing stone and the ruins of a small stone enclosure are nearby on a low elevation. Possibly another wellhead that has been thrown out. The standing stone may be the fragments of a medieval stone cross that once stood guard over the holy well.
Location: Buchanan, Stirlingshire