Step Pyramid of Djoser
A region named Saqqara, which is only 25 kilometers (15 miles) south of Cairo, has a pyramid field that is home to some of the earliest pyramids in Egyptian history. The Step Pyramid of Djoser is one of the most notable, usually regarded as the earliest cut-stone building in the world, and serves as a vital landmark for Egyptologists, archaeologists, and architects alike. Imhotep, the vizier of Pharaoh Djoser, began building the Step Pyramid of Djoser during the Third Dynasty, and it was finished about the 27th century BC.
When compared to the usual representation of an Egyptian pyramid, the Pyramid of Djoser clearly differs in appearance. That's because Djoser is a step pyramid rather than having smooth sides. The terraces were constructed one on top of the other. Technically, the design consists of six mastaba stacks, with the last mastaba being smaller than the previous five.
The entire Djoser structure was enclosed by a limestone wall with 14 doorways built into it. However, there was only one entrance, and the remaining doors could have been just decorative or a ruse to fool passersby into allowing unauthorized admittance. Other notable characteristics of Djoser include a large trench that surrounds the complex and elaborate stone pillars in the roofed colonnade hallway that were carved to resemble reed bundles.
The Djoser complex's South Court is a vast expanse built to isolate the pyramid from the South Tomb. The South Court still has curved stones linked with the Heb-sed festival, which were placed there to enable the pharaoh to retain his dominion over Egypt after his death. Although there are numerous speculations regarding what was stored in the South Tomb, there is no confirmation of what was deposited in its three chambers, which are exquisitely designed and possibly the most magnificent portion of the entire complex.
Location: Al Giza Desert, Giza Governorate 3352001