Study Designs in Epidemiology
Choosing the right study design is a crucial decision that will decide whether or not your study will answer your research topic satisfactorily. A short glance at the contents page of a biomedical journal or the health news section of a news website will reveal that epidemiological research can be done in a variety of methods. The primary epidemiological study designs will be covered in this Study Designs in Epidemiology course, including cross-sectional and ecological studies, case-control and cohort studies, as well as the more sophisticated nested case-control and case-cohort designs. The third lesson focuses on randomized controlled trials, which are frequently regarded as the best study design, particularly in clinical research.
You will also learn how to recognize the benefits and limits of various study designs. You will be able to select the most appropriate study design based on the research topic, available time, and resources by the end of this course.
Rating: 4.8/5
Duration: 8 hours
Level: Intermediate level (A background in health sciences or/and quantitative methods would be useful, but not essential)