Surfwise (2007)
This fascinating film depicts the story of Doc Paskowitz, a Stanford graduate who, with his young wife, abandoned the norm to raise their nine children in a camper while traveling the continent in search of the finest waves. Even if his surfing obsession and questionable parenting techniques were self-serving, he continues to raise the issue of whether it is truly crazy to raise a close-knit family that places a higher priority on physical well-being and spiritual fulfillment than conventional measurements of success.
The 11-person Doc Paskowitz family is the subject of the 2007 American documentary Surfwise, which was made by Doug Pray. The movie had its world premiere on September 11, 2007, and on May 9, 2008, it debuted in the United States. In addition to starting a surfing school, Paskowitz attended Stanford University Medical School, graduated as a doctor, and promoted a holistic approach to diet and health. He also had a big family, including eight boys and a girl, whom he raised in a camper with his wife Juliette Paskowitz.