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Survivor Tag

A game that adds a playful twist to the classic tag, an absolute favorite among students! In this exciting variation, when a learner is tagged, they bring a unique element into play by sitting down right where they are.. When a student gets tagged, they add a playful element by sitting down right where they are.

The interesting part is that while sitting, they become active observers. If the person who tagged them gets tagged by someone else, it's their cue to stand up and resume running in the game. This cool variation adds an extra layer of strategy and excitement to the classic tag, creating an engaging experience for all participants.

Picture this: as the game unfolds, students dash around, trying to tag each other. If someone gets tagged, they take a temporary seat. Now, here's where it gets interesting, while seated, they eagerly keep an eye on the person who tagged them. The moment that tagger is tagged by another player, it's their chance to spring back into action and join the running fun once more.

This twist on tag is bound to become a recess favorite, bringing laughter and a sense of anticipation to the playground. With its straightforward rules and the element of surprise, this game is sure to be a crowd-pleaser, making it an ideal choice for a lively and enjoyable break during school hours.

Survivor Tag - Photo via
Survivor Tag - Photo via
Survivor Tag - Video by Prime Coaching Sport via YouTube

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