Every issue is put to a vote in Switzerland (which dropped one spot this year), from how many vacation days employees should have to how many immigrants should be allowed into the country, and referendums down to the local level occur frequently. Swiss citizens experience an unmatched sense of involvement in the development of their nation thanks to this direct democracy system. There is a strong social fabric held together by the conviction that every voice matters, which can go a long way toward feeling content. The Swiss are known for being solitary, which can be off-putting to first-time visitors.
Endorphin-boosting travel tip:
A study from University College London found that eating small amounts of dark chocolate can significantly reduce depressive symptoms, and Switzerland is the best place in the world to shop for chocolate. At the Teuscher headquarters in Zurich, sample the 99 percent cocoa bar, or take the train to Broc to visit the renowned Cailler-Nestle chocolate factory and store.
Average Life Evaluation: 7.512