There are some taboos that you should pay attention to, including spitting, talking about politics, religion, sex, or racism, cursing, talking about whether abortion is right or wrong, smoking everywhere, even outside. For example, If you choose to criticize the American military or foreign policy, exercise caution. Although Americans are free to criticize their government and military at will and frequently do so without repercussion, they are tired of hearing the frequent (and frequently inaccurate) complaints from foreigners.
Americans are particularly sensitive about racial issues as a result of the nation's long history of racial discrimination and its efforts to achieve racial equality. Black or African-American, Asian, Latino or Hispanic, Native American or American Indian, and White or Caucasian are appropriate phrases to use while discussing race.
Americans frequently refer to East Asians (including Southeast Asians) when they use the word "Asian" by itself to describe people, not South Asians. East Asian populations are bigger and more established than South Asian communities in most of the US. (Note that this usage is completely at odds with British English, where "Asian" by itself only refers to South Asians and East Asians are more commonly referred to as "East Asians.