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There are some taboos that you should bear in mind.

  • Don't debate religion or disparage Islam.
  • Men shouldn't linger or complement women.
  • Avoid leaving the house in scantly clad
  • You shouldn't let non-Muslims into a mosque or touch a Qu'ran.
  • Public kissing and snuggling are highly forbidden and can lead to jail.

Since the soles of your feet are the lowest point on your body and the part that touches the ground, they are seen as being dirty. Even if you are only revealing one sole by crossing your legs, it is impolite to sit with your feet exposed. Even when they are on seats, feet might still be considered unclean. If you're seen putting your feet up on a public seat (like a railway or bus seat), you'll probably be thought of as impolite and rude.

The left hand is another area of the body that is fraught with taboo. Typically, the left hand is exclusively employed when washing oneself after using the restroom. In addition, the right hand and left hand also bear spiritual importance in Islamic traditions; the right hand stands for virtue and the left for evil. As a result, passing anything (such money, presents, or food) with your left hand is frowned upon as being disrespectful and bad manners.

In Middle Eastern culture, communal meals are frequently shared from huge bowls set in the middle of the dining area. Use only your right hand to accept bread or to ladle sauces, etc., if you are invited to share food in this manner. If you utilize your left hand, people will not appreciate your actions.

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