Take a picture at Totem Bight State Historical Park
Totem Bight State Historical Park is located just north of Ketchikan. Its abundance of towering totem poles provides an excellent glimpse into the history, culture, and art of Alaska's Native Americans.
The secluded cove, which is now surrounded by temperate rainforest, was formerly a seasonal fishing site for indigenous tribes. Tucked up among the lush undergrowth are fourteen Tlingit and Haida totem poles to be discovered. They are intricately carved with stunning depictions of animals, humans, and spirits, and they record and transmit age-old indigenous lessons and traditions. This wood-frame construction has a low oval entrance that leads into a square chamber with a central fire pit and is ornamented with carved "house pillars." The main façade is adorned with a stylised raven. Charles Brown, a Saxman Native, carved the house.
Totem Bight State Historical Park also has a reproduction of a typical clan house, as well as numerous educational displays and a gift shop. You may enjoy dominating views of the adjacent coastline from its beach.
Address: 9883 N Tongass Hwy, Ketchikan, AK 99901, United States
Phone: +1 907-247-8574
Price: no cost
Rating: 4.6/5.0, 644 Google reviews
Website: http://dnr.alaska.gov/parks/aspunits/southeast/totembigshp.htm