Tales of Demons and Gods
"Tales of Demons and Gods" is an immensely popular Manhua, a Chinese comic, written and illustrated by Mad Snail. The story revolves around Nie Li, a powerful demon spiritualist who dies in battle and is reincarnated into the past. Armed with his memories from his previous life, Nie Li is determined to protect his loved ones and change his fate.
Set in a world where martial arts and spiritual power reign supreme, "Tales of Demons and Gods" explores themes of camaraderie, friendship, and the pursuit of power. The Manhua follows Nie Li as he utilizes his knowledge of future events to become a formidable force, even in his juvenile years.
The intricate and action-packed plot showcases the protagonist's growth as he seeks revenge and strategizes against formidable enemies. With its compelling storyline, engaging characters, and stunning artwork, "Tales of Demons and Gods" continues to captivate fans worldwide, making it a must-read for Manhua enthusiasts.
- Author(s): Mad Snail, Jiang Ruotai
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 442
- Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Shounen, Supernatural, Martial Arts, Drama
- Read here: https://talesdemonsandgods.com/