Tales of Demons and Gods
"Tales of Demons and Gods" is a famous Manhua series that has captivated readers with its intriguing storyline and captivating artwork. Set in a world where humans coexist with demons and gods, the story follows Nie Li, a powerful demon spiritualist who was killed in battle and reincarnated back to his teenage self. Armed with the knowledge of his past life, Nie Li sets out on a mission to protect his loved ones from the impending demon invasion.
As the tale progresses, Nie Li showcases his unmatched intelligence and skills, using his knowledge of future events to alter the course of history and become stronger. Along the way, he forms alliances, encounters formidable enemies, and uncovers long-hidden secrets of the world. With its blend of action, fantasy, and elements of cultivation, "Tales of Demons and Gods" offers a thrilling and immersive reading experience for fans of the Manhua genre.
- Author(s): Mad Snail, Jiang Ruotai
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 442
- Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Shounen, Supernatural, Martial Arts, Drama
- Read here: https://talesdemonsandgods.com/