Tatyana’s Day
Tatyana's birthday coincides with Russian Students Day. St Tatyana became the patron saint of students when Elizabeth, Empress of Russia, signed a proclamation establishing Moscow State University on January 25, 1755, the feast day of the third-century Christian martyr St Tatyana. St Tatyana events are held in most university towns, with balls held and the best Tatyana chosen from among the students.
The day begins with a customary ceremony at the University's church, which is followed by speeches and prize presentations. Many students host or attend parties and public events later in the day. St. Tatiana's Day celebrations have spread throughout most university cities, despite their origins in Moscow.
Tatiana's Day also marks the end of the first term of the regular academic year for Russian and Ukrainian students, making the holiday a day to commemorate the completion of final exams.
Date: January 25th