Temple Mount
The Temple Mount is one of the most important sites to visit on any trip to Jerusalem. First established in 705 CE, it's among the oldest mosques in the world. The Temple Mount is the trapezoid-shaped, walled-in area in the southeastern corner of the Old City of Jerusalem. The four walls surrounding it date back – at least in their lower parts – to the time of the Second Jewish Temple, built at the end of the first century BCE.
The gaps between the walls and the Mount were filled to create a large surface area around the temple. There are also other substructures, the largest of which is known as Solomon’s stables. Visitors enter the Temple Mount complex through the Mughrabi Gate near the Western Wall. Many people will see the entrance as they walk through the Western Wall plaza on a tour of the Old City.
While admission is free, the site is only open during very specific times. The Temple Mount is closed to visitors on Friday and Saturday. The entrance to the site may be closed without notice for security reasons. Please check the status before planning your visit. In order to enter, both men and women need to be dressed modestly. No weapons are allowed and visitors may not bring in any sacred Jewish objects, such as a prayer book or a tallit.
Location: Jerusalem, Israel.
Website: https://www.touristisrael.com/temple-mount/15944/
Hour: 7:00 AM - 15:00 PM
Google Rating: 4.6/5