Tensei shitara Ken deshita
"Tensei Shitara Ken deshita" is a reincarnation manga that transports readers into a fantastical world of adventure and intrigue. The story unfolds when the protagonist suddenly finds themselves in an unfamiliar realm, transformed into a sentient sword thrust into an altar amidst a vast, demon-infested plain. What sets this world apart is its game-like system, complete with attributes like HP, MP, Strength, Vitality, Agility, Intelligence, Dexterity, Titles, and Equipment.
With the instincts of a sentient weapon, our protagonist embarks on a quest to seek the ideal wielder. This journey takes an unexpected turn when they cross paths with a vulnerable cat girl on the brink of a deadly encounter with a formidable bear-like demon beast.
"Tensei Shitara Ken deshita" combines elements of fantasy, gaming, and adventure to deliver a gripping narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Join the protagonist on their quest for purpose and survival in a world where every encounter could change their fate.
- Author: Tanaka Yuu
- Genres: Action, Fantasy, Shounen, Supernatural
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 70
- Read here: https://mangaclash.com/manga/tensei-shitara-ken-deshita/