The Beginning After The End
The Beginning After the End is a captivating manhwa that follows the journey of a truly badass protagonist. The story revolves around Arthur Leywin, a former powerful king who is reincarnated into a fantasy world after his untimely death.
Arthur's character embodies the epitome of a true badass. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, he possesses unwavering determination and resilience. With his past life's wisdom and experience, Arthur quickly rises through the ranks, becoming a force to be reckoned with.
Not only is Arthur skilled in swordsmanship and magic, but he also possesses exceptional leadership qualities and strategic thinking. He fearlessly confronts his enemies, displaying his unmatched combat abilities and intelligence.
However, what truly sets Arthur apart is his compassionate nature and desire to protect those he cares for. He prioritizes justice and fairness, often using his power to help those in need. In summary, Arthur Leywin from The Beginning After the End is a badass protagonist admired for his unparalleled strength, determination, and compassion.
- Author(s): Guem-Gang-Bul-Gae, Han-Joong-Wueol-Ya
- Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Sci-fi
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 175.5
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