The Beginning After the End
"Beginning After End" is a Korean Comic that delves into the life of Cheon Yeo-Woon, an orphan from the Demonic Cult who has faced disdain and danger throughout his existence. The story takes a thrilling turn when Cheon Yeo-Woon's life is forever altered by an unexpected visitor from the future. This mysterious visitor implants a nanomachine into Cheon Yeo-Woon's body, setting off a series of events that transform his destiny.
As the nanomachine activates, Cheon Yeo-Woon embarks on a remarkable journey. His goal: was to bypass the oppressive Demonic Cult and ascend to become the ultimate martial artist. The Manhwa unfolds as we witness Cheon Yeo-Woon's evolution from a powerless orphan to a formidable force to be reckoned with.
"Beginning After End" is a thrilling tale of resilience, determination, and the pursuit of greatness in the face of adversity. It offers readers an exciting blend of martial arts, science fiction, and a dash of time-travel intrigue, making it a must-read for Manhwa enthusiasts seeking an exhilarating adventure.
- Author(s): Guem-Gang-Bul-Gae, Han-Joong-Wueol-Ya
- Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Sci-fi
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 175.5
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