The Blonde Abroad
With 516K Instagram followers, The Blonde Abroad is the go-to website for solo and female travel across the world—for all women, by women. Kiki, a California native, owns The Blonde Abroad. She left her profession in corporate wealth management in 2011 to go on a summer of soul-searching that would change the path of her life forever. The website contains travel articles, travel tips, images, packing guides, and general assistance for female travelers who are exploring the world alone.
She had a successful career in corporate finance and asset management before leaving over six years ago to pursue her true passion: travel. She has since traveled to over 70 countries and is using her adventures as a single girl traveling alone to share her knowledge with other explorers. Instagram, which is full of articles about places Kiki has visited and can help you figure out which countries you'd like to visit. Her bucket list for 2021, the finest places to travel in the US right now, budget-friendly honeymoon destinations, and a list of the safest destinations for solo travelers are among her most motivating pieces.
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Follower: 516K