The Breaker
Popular Korean comic book series "The Breaker" was written by Jeon Geuk-jin and drawn by Park Jin-hwan. From 2007 through 2015, the series, also known as "The Breaker: New Waves," was serialized in South Korea. It belongs to the action, martial arts, and drama genres. "The Breaker" tells the tale of Shi-Woon Yi, a harassed and weak high school student. Shi-Woon's life, however, is dramatically changed when he meets Chun-Woo Han, a mysterious martial artist known as "The Nine Arts Dragon." Shi-Woon is taught martial arts by Chun-Woo Han, who also introduces him to the perilous Murim society, a clandestine organization of fighters and martial artists.
Shi-Woon learns about the murim's numerous factions as well as the strength and intricacy of martial arts methods as he starts his training with Chun-Woo Han. The series explores the quest of power, friendship, personal development, and self-discovery. As Shi-Woon travels through this perilous realm, his adventure is rife with fierce combat, political strife, and ethical quandaries.
Due to its intriguing plot, well-rounded characters, and meticulous artwork, "The Breaker" became well-known. It skillfully combines sophisticated story twists, character development, and action-packed battle scenes. For its original take on martial arts and its examination of the human mind in the face of strength and hardship, the series won praise from critics.
The second season of "The Breaker: New Waves," which concluded in 2015, marked the conclusion of "The Breaker." However, as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, no official announcements have been made regarding a third season or any direct follow-up to the series. Fans have anxiously awaited news of a prospective continuation or spin-off. Nevertheless, "The Breaker" continues to be a cherished and significant manhwa that has had a long-lasting influence on followers of martial arts and storylines with action.
Author: Jeon Geuk-jin
Illustrator: Park Jin-hwan
Genres: Action, Martial Arts, Drama
Chapters: 58
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