The Breaker
"The Breaker" is an exhilarating and captivating martial arts manhwa that will leave readers on the edge of their seats. The story revolves around the life of Shiwoon Yi, a seemingly ordinary high school student who becomes the unfortunate target of merciless bullies. However, fate intervenes when Shiwoon accidentally stumbles upon a hidden world of martial arts masters who possess remarkable skills and knowledge.
As Shiwoon delves deeper into this secret community, he unveils a vast array of powerful techniques and uncovers his astonishing potential. The manhwa impeccably combines intense action sequences with compelling character development, making it an absolute page-turner. With each chapter, readers become more invested in Shiwoon's journey, eagerly awaiting his growth and triumphs.
The meticulously choreographed fight scenes in "The Breaker" are truly a sight to behold, captivating readers with their fluidity and impressive detail. Moreover, the characters in this manhwa are intricately woven, with backstories and motivations that add depth to the overall narrative.
Genre: Martial arts, Drama
Author: Jeon Geuk-jin
Illustrator: Park Jin-hwan
Status: On-going
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