The Critical Reader
Built by the online teaching platform, the Critical Reader app provides in-depth story lessons for all three sections of Reading, Grammar (Writing and Language), and Math (Mathematics) to help with learning, review the math section, and read and write easily. The outstanding advantage of The Critical Reader: is the user-friendly interface and reasonable design to help students quickly select the content of the review, test, or practice vocabulary with flashcards. Users will not take much time to get used to this application.
In addition, students can take the test directly on the phone or study different topics. Not only does it provide practice exercises, but it also allows you to review each topic, flashcards, or just answer questions from the Question of the day. That way, you can focus on improving your limited knowledge. You can also download the app for free on the App Store or Google Play. Alternatively, you can also explore the website to find more information about the SAT.