The Dark Knight Returns #1
"The Dark Knight Returns #1" is a renowned comic book written and drawn by Frank Miller, published by DC Comics in February 1986. This comic is part of a four-part series that brought a new perspective to the Batman character and changed how people saw superhero stories.
The story happens in a future where an aging Bruce Wayne, who has retired from his role as Batman for ten years, decides to become Batman again. Gotham City is full of crime and bad people, so Batman has to come back to save the city. He faces some old enemies and a new gang called the Mutants, who are causing a lot of trouble.
"The Dark Knight Returns #1" changed how people thought about superhero stories. Frank Miller's unique and gritty narrative redefined Batman as a darker, more complex character. The comic talks about getting older, what happens when people take the law into their own hands, and the never-ending fight between good and bad. It's a different take on Batman that people really liked.
The success of "The Dark Knight Returns" showed that comics could be for grown-ups too, not just kids. It opened the door for more serious and mature storytelling in the world of superheroes. The demand for The Dark Knight Returns #1 is high, and a copy in almost perfect condition can be sold for more than $1,000.
Year: 1986
Average price: $500 - $2000
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