The Demon King of the Frontier Life, Reincarnated To Become the Strongest Mage
This manga revolves around a sorcerer known as The Lone Demon King. In a bygone era, he resided on the fringes of society, his age arrested by his potent magic, endearing him to the villagers who revered him as their guardian deity. Tragically, an organization of magicians deemed him a significant threat, leading to his untimely demise.
The narrative takes a dramatic turn 200 years post his demise, as The Lone Demon King experiences a rebirth within the confines of a noble family's estate. Now the second son of a nobleman, he opts to live a human life, concealing his magical past from those around him. Strikingly, he harbors no intentions of seeking retribution against those who once wronged him.
Deciding to live quietly, he adopts a fresh identity and discovers love and approval from his family, friends, and the community. Even though he was well-known in his past life as a powerful magician, now he is valued as the modest second son of a noble family. This manga tells a story of rebirth, strength, and the impactful choice of taking a new direction in a different life.
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Publishing
Published: Aug 24, 2020 to ?
Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Demographic: Seinen
Authors: Sengetsu, Sakaki (Story), Muraichi (Art)
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