The energy efficiency of air purifiers
Top 8 in Top 9 Air Purifier Buying Tips

Electricity powers air purifiers. We must consider the power usage of air purifiers, just as we would any other electric item.
It is advised that an air purifier be turned on 24 hours a day. That appears to be quite a lot, especially when viewed through the lens of an electric bill.
Fortunately, air purifiers don't consume a lot of power. They have a maximum wattage ranging from 40W to 200W (even the largest ones top out at 100W) at the highest speed settings. You can simply run an air purifier on a lower power setting of 10-30 watts.
In short, most air purifiers that run continuously cost between $0.05 and $1.00 each day. That equates to $0.35 to $7.00 per week.