The fall of the Roman empire
Because so many of the empire's lands broke apart and were overrun by other nations and tribes, the fall of the Western Roman Empire is notorious and is regarded as the beginning of the Dark Ages in Europe. The Valyrian Freehold served as Game of Thrones' analogue to the Roman Empire, capturing much of Western Essos. The freehold experienced a spectacular fall following a natural disaster known as the Doom of Valyria.
The Doom of Valyria was a rapid catastrophe, whereas the Fall of the Western Roman Empire was a protracted one, yet both disasters' aftereffects are comparable. Italy became a collection of city-states after the fall of the Roman Empire, and the nine Free Cities can be found in Western Essos. One of them is Braavos, a city with canals similar to Venice. The Dothraki invade Western Essos during the Century of Blood, plundering the ruins of the Freehold like the Huns did when they invaded and raided Italy.