The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
''The Girl Who Leapt Through Time'' revolves around the experiences of Makoto Konno, a high school student residing in Tokyo, who stumbles upon an extraordinary ability known as "time-leap" after a fortuitous incident. With this newfound power to traverse through time, Makoto initially exploits it for personal gain. However, what starts off as a coming-of-age tale soon transforms into one of the most remarkable romance anime movies, as Makoto becomes aware of the far-reaching consequences of her actions. This poular anime is a must-watch, cherished for its heartwarming narrative and captivating characters.
In addition to its enthralling time-travel narrative, this movie has garnered critical acclaim, earning numerous accolades at esteemed film festivals worldwide. These include prestigious honors such as the Japan Academy Prize for Animation of the Year and the Best Animated Feature at the Sitges – Catalonian International Film Festival. It is this level of recognition that truly cements "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time" as one of the foremost anime films in the genre of high school romance anime.
- Released Date: July 15, 2006
- Director: Mamoru Hosoda
- Writers: Yasutaka Tsutsui, Satoko Okudera
- Production Company: Madhouse studio
- Genres: Animation, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi
- Running Time: 98 minutes
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