The God of High School
Popular manhwa series "The God of High School" is written and drawn by Yongje Park. From 2011 until 2021, it was serialized on the online platform Naver Webtoon. The protagonist of the novel is high school student and martial artist Jin Mori, who competes in a competition dubbed "The God of High School." Participants in this competition come from all around South Korea, showing their individual combat techniques and skills. The contestants want to win the competition and establish themselves as the nation's top high school athletes.
As the competition goes on, Jin Mori meets other talented fighters, makes connections, and learns the tournament's and his own enigmatic past's untold mysteries. The manhwa features furious combat and thrilling martial arts maneuvers while fusing action, fantasy, and aspects of supernatural abilities. Fast-paced action scenes, captivating characters, and dynamic and artistically appealing artwork all contributed to "The God of High School" success. It addresses topics including friendship, development, and the search for strength. Korean mythology and folklore are also included into the story. Please be advised that "The God of High School" may contain violence and adult themes and is only suitable for readers who are at least 18 years old.
Author/Illustrator: Yongje Park
Genres: Action, Fantasy, Martial Arts
Chapters: 34
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