The Humboldt Forum
The Humboldt Forum is the new home of two of Berlin's most important museum collections: the Museum of Ethnography (Ethnologisches Museum), which houses the world's largest collection of crafts and popular arts from Europe's many diverse cultures, and the Museum of Asian Art (Museum für Asiatische Kunst), which houses Germany's largest collection of non-European artifacts and treasures.
The Humboldt Forum has significant parts of a massive collection of over 400,000 artifacts, as well as over 60,000 sound recordings of music from throughout the world. Numerous bronzes, ceramics, paintings, and sculptures from China, Korea, and Japan, spanning from 3000 BC to the present day, are also on exhibit. Its 63 Chinese bronze mirrors from the 6th to 9th centuries, as well as a 17th-century throne of a Chinese emperor, are particularly popular.
Address: Schloßpl. 7, 10178 Berlin
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