The Kalahari Desert is the largest stretch of wind-blown sand on earth

The Kalahari Desert, among one of the most interesting things to know about Botswana, is a large arid to semi-arid sandy area in southern Africa. It encompasses much of Botswana as well as parts of Namibia and South Africa. The Kalahari Desert, which covers nearly 80 percent of Botswana and spans 900,000 square kilometers, is the world's largest stretch of wind-blown sand. Nonetheless, with its seasonal wetlands, significant rainfall, and surprising variety of animals and plants, the Kalahari is a vast sandy savannah rich in wildlife and unique flora rather than a desert.
The region is home to several game reserves, including the world's second largest, Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR). Despite being semi-desert, it has vast areas of excellent grazing after heavy rains and is abundant in wildlife. The Kalahari Desert has extreme temperatures, with summers being extremely hot and winter temperatures dropping below zero degrees Celsius at night. This is due to the relatively high altitude and predominantly clear, dry air of the Kalahari Desert.