The Kentucky Meat Shower
Rest assured that nowhere in Kentucky does it consistently rain meat. However, that does not imply that it never did. And after you know the whole story, you'll wish it had just been meat rain since that's a lot less revolting than what really happened to generate this strange occurrence. The citizens of Olympia Springs were treated to a show of meat from the sky on one particular day in 1876, which was considered to be fairly large in scope. One witness said it was "a horse wagon full," which was merely an 1876 way of saying "a lot" and was not a true measurement. It covered a 50 by-100-yard area. People then emerged to view the meat, which was scattered in little pieces and crumbs. A few brave and/or foolish people decided to taste the flesh to try and identify what it was.
While the majority of the people lost interest once the meat was sent for analysis, one scientist did come up with an explanation. Vultures had provided the meat. That is to say, they ate it and then threw it up all over the city as they flew. It turns out that vultures will vomit all over if they become alarmed. They become lighter as a result, which speeds up the escape. The theory makes sense in light of the meat's state.
Time: 1876
Location: Olympia Springs, United States