The Last Song
"The Last Song" is a heartwarming coming-of-age drama that follows the story of Ronnie Miller, a rebellious and troubled teenager. Ronnie is sent to spend the summer with her estranged father, Steve, in a small beach town. Bitter and resentful about her parents' divorce, Ronnie is initially reluctant to connect with her father and the idyllic surroundings.
As the summer unfolds, Ronnie's life takes an unexpected turn when she meets Will Blakelee, a charming and kind-hearted local boy. In the midst of the burgeoning romance, Ronnie also discovers her passion for music and the piano, which becomes a significant element of her journey towards self-discovery and healing. Guided by her father, who happens to be a talented musician, Ronnie learns to embrace her musical talents and find solace in the art form.
With its heartfelt exploration of family, loss, and finding one's voice through music, "The Last Song" leaves a long-lasting mark on the heart of its viewers, a timeless tale of love and redemption that speaks to the human spirit.
Release: 2010
Stars: Miley Cyrus, Liam Hemsworth, Greg Kinnear
IMDB Score: 6/10