The Moon Probably Can’t Be Terraformed
Some individuals might believe that, at least initially, Mars is too ambitious a goal for our terraforming endeavor. Why not terraform the moon instead of aiming farther away? We are familiar with the area, it's close by, and it will take far less time, money, and effort.
The moon's size, lack of a magnetic field, and atmosphere are all problems. The moon is like toilet paper if you think of terraforming as painting and the planet as the canvas. There isn't enough foundation to support anything.
It has been suggested that you could raise the moon high enough for an atmosphere to form. To make it work, you might need to collide a few dozen comets with it. That might enable the necessary games to be released while simultaneously increasing the moon's mass. However, the atmosphere would also go away. It would last for one or two human lifespans, but after that, it would gradually disappear, necessitating the repetition of the operation.