The Na Špičáku Cave
Anthonius Wale referenced The Na Špičáku Cave for the first time in written writings in 1430. The Na Špičáku Cave is one of the Most Beautiful Caves in Czech Republic. As a result, it is the oldest cave in Central Europe, as documented by written records. The cave functioned as a hiding spot for individuals, as evidenced by the numerous epigraphic writings on the walls. The earliest epigraph is from 1519. The German Mountain Club exposed the cave to the public between 1884 and 1885. However, the circumstances were basic at the time.
Since 1955, The Na Špičáku Cave is one of The Na Špičáku Cave the cave that has been exposed to the public in the manner and shape that it is now. The subterranean labyrinth of corridors and fractures is almost 400 meters long and was carved out of Devonian marble (the marine sediments are old 350 - 380 million years). The water from a melting glacier had a significant impact on the formation of the karst regions. This water gave the cave its final shape and formed the unique heart-shaped corridor profile. The path for the visit is 230 meters long and barrier-free.
Location: Supíkovice, Czech Republic