The Power Of The Dog
"The Power of the Dog," released in 2021, is a haunting and emotionally gripping drama that showcases the power of stellar performances and masterful storytelling. Set in 1925 Montana, the film follows the lives of two brothers, Phil and George Burbank, played by Benedict Cumberbatch and Jesse Plemons, whose dynamics are forever altered when a mysterious woman named Rose, portrayed by Kirsten Dunst, enters their lives.
Benedict Cumberbatch delivers a tour de force performance as Phil Burbank, a complex and enigmatic character whose intimidating presence and sharp intellect dominate the screen. Cumberbatch masterfully portrays the layers of Phil's personality, from his icy demeanor to the vulnerability that lies beneath the surface. His portrayal is nuanced and captivating, capturing the internal conflicts and hidden desires of the character with remarkable depth.
Kirsten Dunst delivers a standout performance as Rose, a woman caught in the complex web of the Burbank brothers' lives. Dunst brings a quiet resilience and emotional depth to her character, capturing Rose's inner turmoil and the strength she summons in the face of adversity. Her portrayal adds a layer of vulnerability and humanity to the story, further enriching the film's exploration of love, power, and the ties that bind. As such, "The Power of The Dog" deserves to be called one of the best movies of Kirsten Dunst.
Release: 2021
Stars: Benedict Cumberbatch, Kirsten Dunst, Jesse Plemons
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 94%