The Ravages of Time
"The Ravages of Time" is a delight Chinese manhua that delves into the intricacies of ancient Chinese history and military strategy. At its core, the series revolves around the brilliant character Sima Yi, who is the driving force behind the Sima Clan. Despite his youth, Sima Yi is the primary protagonist, and his extraordinary intelligence, cunning, and strategic acumen propel the narrative.
Sima Yi's genius isn't confined to warfare; he's also a shrewd businessman, known for his ruthless and decisive approach to profit. In the world of "The Ravages of Time," Sima Yi is a formidable rival to the Eight Geniuses, a group of brilliant strategists.
Throughout the series, Sima Yi's actions shape the course of events, such as orchestrating the destruction of Luoyang City and thwarting powerful adversaries like Lü Bu and Guo Jia. However, his association with the enigmatic Handicapped Warriors often leads to precarious situations
- Author: Chan Mou
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 583
- Genres: Action, Psychological, Romance, Martial Arts, Adventure, Military, Drama, Mystery
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