The Shining
The Shining is a 1980 psychological horror film produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick and co-written with novelist Diane Johnson. The film is based on Stephen King's 1977 novel of the same name and stars Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall, Scatman Crothers, and Danny Lloyd.
Stephen King's writing has recently witnessed a comeback on the big screen, but Stanley Kubrick's The Shining is undoubtedly the most celebrated film based on his work. Nicholson plays an alcoholic writer who spends the winter as a caretaker with his family at a remote resort. The resort's terrible history soon leads him on a path to lunacy. Although King was reportedly dissatisfied with the picture, it has been acclaimed as one of the best horror films of all time by critics and moviegoers alike. Kubrick creates a creepy mood throughout the film, while Nicholson plays a terrible villain.
Detailed information:
Directed by: Stanley Kubrick
Release date: May 23, 1980
Link to watch: