The terms “Left” and “Right” in politics

You've probably heard the terms "Left" and "Right" used in relation to politics. While these may appear to be very basic terms for direction, they have nothing to do with it.

These political terms arose as a result of the "French Revolution." The word "Left" refers to ideologies and systems that violate human rights. These are the extreme forces associated with Socialism, Theocracy, Fascism, Pure Communism, Anarchy, and other ideologies.

The term "Right," on the other hand, refers to ideologies and systems that respect and adhere to human rights. They are associated with Classical Liberalism, Capitalism, and Constitutional Republicanism and involve no use of force.

Although the definitions of these two terms and how they function in politics are clearly in contrast, there may be many poorly thought-out approaches to this spectrum of the left and the right system.

One of these misguided strategies argues that the political alternatives should be defined in terms of the size or proportion of the government. According to this perspective, the far left would represent 100% of the government, whereas the far right would represent 0% or anarchy.

La Brújula Verde
La Brújula Verde

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