Thegidi is a captivating Indian Tamil-language thriller that left audiences on the edge of their seats when it hit the screens in 2014. Directed by P. Ramesh, the film seamlessly blends elements of suspense, mystery, and romance. The narrative revolves around the protagonist, played by Ashok Selvan, who is employed as a private detective. His assignment involves investigating potential candidates for a prestigious job, leading him into a complex web of deceit and intrigue.
The movie stands out for its gripping screenplay, clever plot twists, and the meticulous attention to detail in unraveling the mystery. Janani Iyer delivers a compelling performance as the female lead, adding depth to the storyline. The director skillfully weaves together the various elements of the plot, keeping the audience guessing until the very end.
Thegidi is also praised for its technical brilliance, with sharp cinematography and a riveting musical score that complements the tension-filled atmosphere. The film received positive reviews for its fresh take on the thriller genre and the commendable performances of its cast. As the first anniversary of its release arrives, Thegidi continues to be celebrated as a standout contribution to the rich tapestry of Indian cinema.
- Release date: February 28, 2014
- Produced by: Thirukumaran Entertainment, Vel Media
- Genres: Crime, Mystery, Thriller
- Director: P. Ramesh
- Stars: Ashok Selvan, Janani Iyer, V. Jayaprakash
- IMDb Rating: 7.6/10
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