Mobile World JSC, also known as The Gioi Di Dong Corporation, is a retail conglomerate in Vietnam specializing in mobile phones, digital devices, and consumer electronics. According to EMPEA's research on the market share of mobile phone retailers in Vietnam in 2014, The Gioi Di Dong accounted for 25% and is the largest enterprise in its field. In 2018, The Gioi Di Dong made it into the top 100 largest retailers in the Asia-Pacific region. - The Gioi Di Dong's official website - has a strong offline presence with many physical stores located throughout Vietnam, which allows customers to experience the products firsthand before making purchases online. This is one of the biggest reasons why the website became one of the most visited consumer electronics websites. Of course, other factors of the website contributed to the fact as well. For example, the website offers a wide range of high-quality products from various brands with competitive pricing, provides convenient online shopping features such as a user-friendly interface, easy payment options, fast shipping, and reliable after-sales service, etc.
Moreover, from 2016, has simultaneously implemented a new sales policy, increasing the number of days for exchanging faulty phones, tablets, laptops, TVs, etc. to 1 month! This makes shopping on the website seems like a great deal for many people.
Website's owner: The Gioi Di Dong Corporation
Website's total visits: 59.3M
(Numbers as of 2023 from